That's all well and good, and I truly don't mean that blithely, but there's far more stunning news on the official site.
Rafa's gone and grown a goatee. And it's a stellar goatee at that.
It'll eventually come to me who he reminds me of, but it's quite sinister nonetheless. Is this the year for his heel turn? It'd be fitting with his “outburst” following the CL final, and could create a lovely media narrative. Can't wait.
So now all four central midfielders outside of Mascherano have multi-year contracts? I realize, maybe even more so than a month or two ago, that Lucas will have little impact on this season and the main rotation will be Ste, Xabi, Momo, and Masch, but something still has to give.
But I reckon it's not going to give until January at the earliest, and most likely, not until next summer. Which will give Rafa (and his goatee) more than enough time to mull over his possibilities.
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